How long distance works on Rogers cell phones

The wonderful folks over at HowardForums have posted a definitive FAQ for how long distance is charged for any cell phone on the Rogers network. Firstly, your phone is tied to a “home calling area”. From the “simplified” post:

Inside your home calling area, receiving any calls (from a local or long distance number) uses airtime minutes only. Making a local call only uses airtime, and placing a long-distance call costs an additional 30 cents per minute.

Outside your home calling area, receiving any calls (from a local or long distance number) will use airtime and cost 30 cents per minute. Making calls within the area – that is: using a Waterloo phone in Toronto to call a Toronto number – only uses airtime. Making calls outside the area (Waterloo phone, in Toronto, calling a Waterloo number) uses airtime plus the additional 30 cent charge.

Sufficiently confused? Click to enlarge a crafty diagram – I know a few people have a good time with these. Keep in mind you’ve always using airtime.

Of course, if you have a long distance plan, this really doesn’t apply to you.

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