Judge Jake Episode 2 – Rock Band Mic and Followup

The second episode of Judge Jake was released earlier this week, but The Left Dishon. Judge Jake failed to update the feed until today, or even inform me that it updated. Apparently I was supposed to be checking the Judge Jake specifically instead of expecting there to be a post [much like this one.]

But I digress. This episode covers some of the posts that Jake didn’t have time for in the previous episode. Among the judged are myself, and some MySpace hooligans. Other things of interest in this episode:

  • The Man’s Gym
  • Correcting teachers
  • Jake’s tacky wardrobe
  • Judge Jake incurring the wrath of goatse – yeah, he went there
  • Corporate tomfoolery
  • Soft background music to soothe your soul

Take a listen and feel free to post comments here, or send your comments directly to Jake at his usual email address: jake [at] jakebillo [dot] com.

Grab Episode 2: Rock Band Mic and Followup

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