New Nine Inch Nails track

The new track is called Discipline and was released straight to radio stations yesterday, this track was whipped up by Trent Reznor and tossed out in short order from what I’ve heard. Its not readily available on the net yet, so who knows how long we’ll be able to offer it!

Take a listen to the full song here:


Can’t say its the best song from NIN, but its new and its not really out there yet [hence the low quality]. Hit the link for a download.

NIN – Discipline [mp3]

Update: Added a new category for music and fixed the tags.

More powerful file management utility: FreeCommander

FreeCommander is a Windows utility similar to Midnight Commander on *nix systems. Check it out if you’re into heavy or repetitive filesystem operations.

I’ve often used ExplorerXP on Windows systems to provide a better version of Windows Explorer for file management, but I’ve recently had issues with file rename and copy operations. FreeCommander has filled this gap nicely. One of the things these utilities do best is display a “complete folder size” next to each entry, useful for finding folders that no longer contain the content you want.

Judge Jake Episode 3 online: Warren Fails It

Judge Jake episode 3 is now available, predominantly focusing on Warren’s exceptional ability to fail it on a friend’s birthday. Other topics of interest include

  • A recent business exam and how “The Sound of Music” is an inappropriate ringtone
  • How I feel about “Internet girlfriends”
  • A brief review of Simple Plan’s newest album (they still suck)

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Grab the MP3

Listen now:


User-generated stupidity: MySpace resorts to splash paging links

I was forced into accessing a MySpace page to listen to an upcoming band, and my opinion of the site hasn’t changed. Pages blare music at you; inert backgrounds chew up CPU; and the comments section is filled with “thanks for the add” and fifteen-year old girls that look suspiciously like the one from Your Scene Sucks.

What I find funny… and sad, in a way, is that all external links that aren’t on a whitelist of sites get gated through a splash page at This is probably old news. It basically says, “don’t give out your username and password.” Are the users really that stupid, or is MySpace’s technology made of that much fail?

New Rogers data rates are not to be

So were any of you looking forward to the Rogers BlackBerry and PDA data plan changes? A recent update to that thread noted that the changed rates have been delayed indefinitely. For now, the best choice for data usage is the Telus PDA offer, which is now $30 per month for unlimited data (but not text messaging.)

The upcoming Q2 2008 service changes should make bundling voicemail and caller ID slightly more worthwhile – for $11 per month, you get:

Caller ID
Enhanced Voicemail
Name Display
Who Called
Mobile Backup
125 Text Messages

Considering caller ID and name display are about $9 per month by themselves, this will probably be the extra “standard package” to consider for light text messaging users. There are a few other Communicate Packs listed in the thread. Expect these packages to go live around May 6th.

Oh, and you can now get 1GB of BlackBerry data for $100 per month. Awesome!


On the eve of a very difficult exam

Tomorrow I write my database exam. Now, some of you who know a thing or two about me know that:

  • I’m not half bad at using database driven applications such as forums, WordPress, etc
  • I’ve actually coded a weaksauce CMS before using MySQL

Now, taking that into account – one would assume this course would be a breeze for me. Not the case dear sirs or madams. While the assignments and even the project were relatively easy – pulling me marks between 75-100 percent – both midterms managed to completely ruin me, as I failed them both. How, you might be asking yourself, is this possible? I can’t tell you any names, but it is through a certain person that this has come to pass. A certain person who is employed by a certain university, who teaches a certain course.


This man/woman [I’m not narrowing it down anymore] can not teach worth shit, and they are very aware of it. As such, the course materials – including assignments, midterms, and projects – are allegedly taken almost verbatim from the website for a database course offered in Hong Kong. However, this professor was slightly ashamed of their blatant thievery – so they attempted to change the wording on our final project. Instead of doing so, they managed to horribly muddle the task’s description and cause severe confusion as to how the implementation was to be handled. Magically I ended up with my lowest passing mark in the course – the 75 – from that project.

So I have faced for the last few days, the task of studying for this exam which is sure to test me on things that my professor did not teach [though it should not be implied that my professor actually taught something else, they more so tried and failed miserably to teach something else]. As such, I’ve spent most of my time reading the textbook for the course, and hoping that somehow I’ll have achieved enough of a broad knowledge of the book to scrape by with a pass in the course.

Now that really won’t happen, but I’ll post in the comments once I finish failing the exam to fill you in. So here’s to bell-curves; saving my ass since ’05.

Judge Jake Episode 2 – Rock Band Mic and Followup

The second episode of Judge Jake was released earlier this week, but The Left Dishon. Judge Jake failed to update the feed until today, or even inform me that it updated. Apparently I was supposed to be checking the Judge Jake specifically instead of expecting there to be a post [much like this one.]

But I digress. This episode covers some of the posts that Jake didn’t have time for in the previous episode. Among the judged are myself, and some MySpace hooligans. Other things of interest in this episode:

  • The Man’s Gym
  • Correcting teachers
  • Jake’s tacky wardrobe
  • Judge Jake incurring the wrath of goatse – yeah, he went there
  • Corporate tomfoolery
  • Soft background music to soothe your soul

Take a listen and feel free to post comments here, or send your comments directly to Jake at his usual email address: jake [at] jakebillo [dot] com.

Grab Episode 2: Rock Band Mic and Followup

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