Search bait – yet another round

I’m taking a look at the search queries again in my statistics, and apart from the miserable failures of some adult sites to try and get referral PageRank, here’s what people have been looking for. Sarcastic and snappy answers are provided as a convenience to future visitors.

convection font: There you go, you don’t even have to read the Achievement Unlocked post. To install, unzip the file and:

click Start > Run and type in fonts. Drag the ConvectionRegular.ttf to the Fonts window, and wait for the progress bar.

Also, small-brained teenagers from Gaia Online and random anime forums that are image leeching the Achievement Unlocked pictures: one day, when I’m bored, I will change them to the infamous goat. I’ve got nothing but extra bandwidth for this site.

iphone bus error: Are you seriously getting these error messages? Take it back to Steve and yell.

bioshock error: Nothing of note like that on my Xbox 360 version. Try the 2K Games Support Forums if your PC is weaksauce.

asus p5b deluxe e6750: Remove the 4GB RAM, install 2GB only, and then try whatever it is you were doing again. If it’s installing Vista, you should be able to add the 4GB and turn memory remapping back on once the OS is installed and patched.

steam error you do not have enough disk space available bioshock: Delete your hentai and then try again. You probably don’t have enough disk space available. 😉