Fix a Nuance NaturallySpeaking 9 internal recognizer error

Just today I was asked to fix an issue with Nuance’s Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9, where the user profile refused to load properly. The application would launch but would not load the default user files, failing out with an “internal recognizer error”. Here’s how to fix the problem without losing too much information from your trained speech files:

  1. Close all instances of NaturallySpeaking 9.
  2. In Windows’ Run dialog box, type or paste the following path:
    "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Nuance\NatuallySpeaking9\Users"
  3. Open the appropriate user folder for your profile.
  4. In the user folder, rename the “current” folder to “corrupt“.
  5. Then, rename the “backup” folder to “current“.
  6. Relaunch NaturallySpeaking and your profile will be rebuilt. This may take some time to complete and will definitely thrash your CPU. (If the profile doesn’t load properly, try renaming the “backup2” folder to “current” for a second chance at redemption.)
  7. If your profile loads successfully, click NaturallySpeaking > Manage Users > Advanced > Backup to build a backup copy of the restored profile. Again, this process is fairly CPU-intensive.
  8. Get back to dictating! You can delete the “corrupt” directory as well now.

You may also want to copy your Users directory to a CD, DVD or flash memory stick occasionally in the event your backup copy is extremely out of date. There doesn’t appear to be a way to repair NaturallySpeaking 9 dictation files, so I suggest you maintain a separate backup copy around if you rely on dictation software for business.

Rogers defuses iPhone situation: $30/6GB, 3 year contract

And the launch of the iPhone 3G is on in Canada, with the predictable scenario of shady dealers without the device in stock trying to boost sales commissions. This whole situation reminds me of the Xbox 360 launch, where Best Buy and some other retailers tried to bundle consoles with accessories and extended warranty plans.

In any event, the big news is that Rogers is launching a promotional data plan – $30 per month, 6GB of data including tethering, requiring a three year data contract. The early termination fee is $100. The plan is supposed to be a way to quiet down the people over at Ruined iPhone and stop the persistent rumors that Apple is shafting Rogers for device shipments.

Unfortunately, the promotion is only until August 31st, at which time we can expect to see data pricing return to Rogers’ usual standards. It’s better than no such plan at all, and I’d suggest early adopters get in on this one like they did with Telus’ $15/unlimited plan back last December.

On a positive note, people in the HowardForums thread are reporting that representatives are indeed adding the promotional plan to “gray-market” devices and BlackBerry devices. (“Gray market” apparently means non-Rogers branded, unlocked phones: I vote that we quit using the term because it implies these phones are illegal, when they’re merely .)

I’ll look into this plan when the Bold launches, but in the meantime I have an 8320 that won’t receive service books to fix. Going back to the 8700 seems slightly primitive. 😉

Update: If you’re interested in dealing with a Rogers CSR and they’re not sure what data package you’re referring to, the code for this plan on a BlackBerry is BB6GBIS3.

Update 2: Here’s the official Rogers page for the plan.

Host move for and related services and have moved to a new, local hosting provider. Among the advantages of increased reliability and speed, we also now can directly call or email the people responsible for managing the server if there are any issues. Dave has also moved his personal site and you should all roundly harass him to write something.

Most large, hosted files will now be kept on, which still uses Dreamhost since response time isn’t too critical, and disk space is more plentiful in that direction.

Please let me know if you see any oddities in the feed or in posts from this point forward.

Apparently you can get scammed using PayPal and Gmail

I’ve been trying to sell my MacBook on Craigslist and Kijiji and had an inquiry. After searching for the obviously Nigerian-style phrases in the second message, I sure wasn’t going to wait around to find out how you can get scammed by PayPal.

(Messages posted in reverse order for your reading pleasure. I’m posting this to hopefully keyword Google with this alias.)

> From: Katty weatherly <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:54:06 PM
> Subject: DO YOU STILL HAVE IT AVAILABLE F:S 13.3″ MacBook – white, 2GHz, 2GB
> RAM, 80GB – $1000 (Waterloo – near UW/Laurier)
> ** Avoid:Â wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
> ** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
> ** More Info:Â
> ——————————————————————
> this message was remailed to you via:
> ——————————————————————

On 7/7/08, Jake Billo wrote:
> Yes, the MacBook is still available for sale.
> Thanks,
> Jake

From: Katty Weatherly
To: Jake Billo
Sent: Monday, July 7, 2008 4:43:07 AM
Subject: Re: DO YOU STILL HAVE IT AVAILABLE F:S 13.3″ MacBook – white, 2GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB – $1000 (Waterloo – near UW/Laurier)

Thanks for the reply, the price is okay by me I will add $100.00 USD
for the shipping cost….making $1100.and i am ready to purchase from
you immediately which am buying this item to someone else,the payment
will be made via paypal cos is very secure and fast way to receive
money online and i don’t want you to look for any other buyer.i would
have love to come down for the pickup.But am not chanced to do that
now but am satisfy with your description of the item .I will like to
read from you concerning this moving arrangement before processing
and sending the payment out to you. i will like you to give me your
paypal account email id or send me an invoice for me to send your
payment.i will expect your mail.asap
Thanks in advance.
Hope to hear from you………………

Quit trying to scam people.

I suppose you’re located in Italy for a conference as well?

Die in a fire.


Gmail’s FAQ doesn’t even give a way to try and get the account pulled, only to report phishing through my own Gmail account. The full message headers are useless and only claim that the original message was sent through HTTP. I’ve reported the account using this page, which I found in the support forums.

Zune hardware, software and community first impressions

This post continues the Zune review series. I received the device for free as part of a Matchstick promotion. My goal is to provide a technically engaging and impartial review for people interested in MP3 players. Other posts include

From futility to mass-market?

One thing that always struck me about the Zune is how futile the first Redmond effort seemed: when it launched in the United States (and US only), the iPod was definitely entrenched and all the reviews basically said the same things. Microsoft didn’t build the player – they simply tweaked a Toshiba Gigabeat and ran with it. The software at the time was a pretty skin on Windows Media Player that didn’t use the same library.

From my initial impressions, much of that has changed. The Zune software, in its 2.5th iteration, still has a very unique interface that might appeal to indie kids – but it’s snappy and stands out on the desktop. The hardware feels well-built and has wireless synchronization: a feature Apple can’t yet match.

Hardware first impressions

Zune arrives in compact, Apple-style packaging, although the encased plastic skin is hard to remove and caused immediate smudging of the screen. Removing the device from its container wasn’t as obvious as the iPod Touch removal process. The back, metal enclosure has a nice tactile feel and should resist scratching: this solves a huge problem with the iPod classic models that causes resale value to plummet.

The device didn’t have any battery charge by default. After plugging it into the PC, a very faint battery indicator appeared – although I thought a USB port had failed since the device didn’t appear to respond right away. Switching to a different USB port fired up my hard disk, and the IDE activity LED told me that a device was being connected. The screen displayed on zero charge is so dim that I had to get confirmation from a friend that the Zune was actually showing something.

While I didn’t get an accurate time estimate on the total charge time, it took less than an hour for the Zune to become active. I’d peg the MP3 player as fully charged (from zero to 100%) after four to five hours.

While the Zune is attached to the computer, all controls are inaccessible and the device simply displays “connected”. Synchronization activity is displayed with a slightly inaccurate percentage indicator, which looks nice but seems to always stall at 84%-85% completion when new songs are copied to the unit.

Using the “squircle”, a touch-sensitive control pad, is intuitive and works as expected. You can either touch (swipe) or click up, down, left or right on its surface. In playback mode, these directions perform the usual actions required from a portable music player (volume up, volume down, previous track and next track). Other screens use the directions to navigate left, right, up and down. Clicking the centre of the pad activates the currently selected item.

The “back” and “play/pause” buttons feel firm and make a distinctive click when pressed. It’s definitely possible to use the device while it’s still in a pocket, although users may want to disable touch sensitivity if this is the primary means of use.

On the device, anyone familiar with the Xbox Live “twist” user interface will be pleasantly surprised.

Categories, such as albums, artists and playlists are displayed across the top of the screen; items within that category can be scrolled up and down. The album browser displays a thumbnail of the associated image, and expand to two lines when highlighted, much like the active item in the “My Games” screen above.

(I don’t know how Avril got on there, or even why her pop-punk drivel is in my library. It’s definitely time to rate some of my music so this travesty can never occur again.)

The build quality of the device is excellent. Its solid construction and easy “gripability” provides a confident feel – I’m not concerned about dropping the Zune on the sidewalk or having it slip away from my grasp, unlike the iPod touch.

Audio quality on the unit itself is good, although the stock headphones leave quality to be left on the table. Using the premium headphones included with my review kit was a much better listening experience – they’re comparable to my favourite pair of Sony MDR-EX61 in-ear buds for audio range. The premium headphones also have magnetic backings so that they’re less likely to tangle in a pocket.

Compared to the BlackBerry 8320 that I’ve been using for basic MP3 listening on the bus, the Zune has a richer, more full bass sound on the same audio files. It’s definitely noticeable when switching from one device to another. This may be equalizer-correctable in the BlackBerry OS, but the software upgrade to OS 4.5 isn’t available on a wide scale yet. For now, my verdict is that the default Zune settings are quite good for standard music listeners.

More hardware details – such as FM radio support, podcasts and video playback will be detailed as I explore those features over the next few weeks. Here’s what’s ahead:

What’s impressed:

  • Video playback appears to be smooth and looks great, even on the small screen.
  • Support for FM radio is a unique feature that’s nice to have out of the box.
  • The wireless synchronization works like expected without complaint.

What’s failed it:

  • Slow performance when browsing the Pictures menu.
  • Inconsistency in scrolling some menus: the wrap-around feature doesn’t work by touch.
  • Overshooting artists and some other menu items by touch – reversing direction is not immediate.

Software first impressions

I’d already had the latest version of the Zune software installed, so there was no installation experience to speak of. To replicate the experience, I tried downloading and deploying it to a new Windows XP virtual machine – the process was fairly easy, barring the fact that running Windows Update concurrently caused the installer to fail. Finishing all the critical updates and rebooting the VM solved that issue, and the software installed without complaint. It’s hard to fault anyone but myself for that scenario.

I have all my music stored on a remote server, which isn’t a typical home user configuration but provides the most convenient way for my laptop and desktop to both use the same pool of media. Windows Media Player takes a long time to seek for the files, even over a gigabit LAN – and refuses to share content to my Xbox 360 without a series of long, painful permission changes.

Running the same process with the Zune software started badly. Windows Vista takes an inordinately long time (compared to Windows 2000, XP or any non-Windows OS) to enumerate all computers on the same workgroup. Simply expanding the Network icon started the hard drive churning – I switched over to My Computer, mapped a network drive with the direct UNC path to my files, and switched back to the Zune software before the process finished.

After selecting the “M” network drive, the import was quick and displayed albums immediately. Unlike Windows Media Player, the background process appears to have increased priority, letting users get started listening to their music right away. This snappiness is an excellent change and bests every other audio player but Winamp.

Ratings in the Zune software are either nothing, a complete heart for “like”, or broken heart for “don’t like”. During the import process, the library seemed to import some metadata for these files from Windows Media Player at the equivalence of five stars for the “like” rating. Without the granularity of a standard 1-5 (plus zero for unrated) rating system, it’s difficult to customize playlists appropriately.

More software features and functionality will be detailed in an upcoming review, since the software is what really makes the device shine. Here’s a sneak peek:

What’s impressed:

  • The find album info feature is accurate, consistently good and fixes ID3 tags without complaint.
  • Interface effects are well-designed.
  • When it comes to device software updates, the process is seamless:

What’s failed it:

  • No mini-player mode, unlike iTunes or Windows Media Player 11’s toolbar. The equivalent is the Now Playing mode, which doesn’t offer album or artist sorting.
  • Rating the current track involves switching to the “now playing” view. The collection also lacks a “go to the currently playing” command – Ctrl+L is one of my most-used iTunes shortcuts.
  • Returning to a default view once you’ve filtered a search involves clicking from “artists” to “genres”, then back again. There’s no easy way to start at the default Collection screen again.

Social community first impressions

A large part of the Zune experience involves “the social”, which is a Windows Live ID-based system that assigns you a Flash-based card. The card displays a custom picture, background image, and recently played artists, and it can be embedded on other social networking profiles such as Facebook:

Unfortunately, the Facebook application is not always at its best:

When I clicked Sign In from the Zune software, it pleasantly surprised by displaying a list of all Windows Live Messenger accounts saved on the computer – a neat integration capability that you’d probably expect to see on a Mac. After providing the account password, I was prompted to accept updated terms of use through a browser, completely removing the immersive user interface experience. As per usual with Microsoft, the page redirected about four times and then attached to a Windows Live ID sign-in, which required the password yet again.

The next screen asked for some more personal information, most of which was already filled in the fields. A curious requirement was the Web site’s insistence on receiving a birthdate during signup. The information should already be present in my Windows Live ID account, but I’d have a hard time seeing why they’d need this detail: even complying with COPPA, they’d have known that detail when I initially attached my Xbox Live account to the Live ID. Overall, the signup seemed simpler than a comparable Apple/iTunes account, since Windows Live already had most of my information.

The final stage in the process launched the Zune software (even from Firefox) and prompted:

Did you know…?

Now that you have a Zune account, you can:

Join the Social, a beta online community where you can discover new music, share music with friends, and customize your Zune Card with your personal pictures and favorite songs.

Buy music and music videos and download free video and audio podcasts at Zune Marketplace.

Manage your account, configure privacy settings, and buy Microsoft Points online at

I was slightly offput to hear that the community features were still in beta, considering the software has already been through three major releases. Then again, the term “beta” these days seems to have been redefined to mean “lacks official support”.

Activating the Social component for the first time, my account was activated with this garish, zebra striped card. It would have been nice if Zune would have imported my avatar from Xbox Live’s selection, since the default selection of profile pictures and backgrounds leaves something to be desired.

Notice those non-striped avatars at the bottom? Along with my Xbox Gamertag list, I seem to have picked up some “friends” who are definitely not the same people I know from Xbox Live. My initial assumption was that they must have been default Microsoft-assigned accounts, but wasn’t sure if they were alter aliases of Xbox Live friends. I ended up having to look at each of the new profiles to find out why I had friendship foisted upon me.

Looking at “DJ Ms E”‘s profile page on, all was explained:

This member of the Social is a Zune DJ. They’re automatically added to new members’ friends lists to get them started, and don’t count against your 100-friend limit.

It would have been nice to get more of a notification of who these additional friends were. Perhaps a badge or custom icon next to their profile image would have been a better cue than simply dropping them beside my existing Xbox Live friends. There’s also no way to remove these people from within the Zune interface – all remove requests are handled through the website.

It’s also interesting that this was the first time I’d heard about the 100 friend limit, and the limit includes Xbox Live friends. For people with distinctly different tastes in music and online gaming companions, I could see social butterflies easily running into problems here.

What’s impressed:

  • The signup process is much less painful than I’d expected.
  • Integration with Facebook is a nice touch.
  • The Zune card appears to give badges or awards for listening to various types of music. Continuing along the lines of achievements is addictive and awesome!

What’s failed it:

  • The Facebook application has occasional issues when clicking on the left-panel link.
  • Horrible selection of backgrounds and avatars.
  • Who are these people on my friends list, and why wasn’t I told about this earlier? And why can’t I remove them from within the application?

More impressions: marketplace, device synchronization and performance

What’s next for the Zune? I’m going to publish an in-depth look at the marketplace, syncing music and videos, and how well the software performs. Here’s a summary of what’s ahead:

  • Marketplace: Not entirely there yet. Unknown error messages and content purchases just don’t work well. If content isn’t available in Canada, don’t display it!
  • Music synchronization: Simplistic and easy – perhaps even too dumbed down. There’s no apparent way to fill the device with content, and autoplaylists are a shadow of Smart Playlist capabilities in iTunes.
  • Performance: It’s a memory hog, but it’s only frozen once; all my data was saved out properly to boot. Zune beats iTunes hands down in this matter.

Be sure to check back soon for more impressions and thoughts – and maybe some more technical content!

ChatThreads follows up on the Zune feedback sweepstakes

This post continues the Zune review series. I received the device for free as part of a Matchstick promotion. My goal is to provide a technically engaging and impartial review for people interested in MP3 players. Other posts include


After contacting the ChatThreads team regarding their contest sweepstakes regulations, I received a response from Walter J. Carl, who is the ChatThreads founder and Chief Research Officer. Walter was very responsive and explained why the default regulations restrict Canadian residents: the company runs a number of concurrent programs, but when users sign in with an emailed link or conversation ID, the correct terms of use appear – they appear to be tied to a session ID or cookie based on the campaign.

From Walter’s email:

Regarding the sweepstakes/contests… We run a number of different Contests and Sweepstakes depending on the program in which people are participating. The page you went to doesn’t have the specific rules for the Zune program (specific rules are contained when a person is in a survey for a particular program). I can see how this would be confusing so we’ve added a message to that effect on the page that you found to help clarify this issue. The people you talk to can see the full Official Rules when they log in to tell us about the conversation. Please note that those in Quebec and/or those under 18 are not eligible to participate in the Contests but they can have us donate to charity as an alternative.

If you’d like to participate in the draw, keep in mind that the correct contest rules (I’ve mirrored them here as they appeared on July 4, 2008) require all entries to be submitted by 11:59pm this evening! (Update: The correct close date of the contest is August 4, 2008.) Feel free to use my conversation ID: go over to the ChatThreads site and enter 102 986 0195.

Walter also gave his opinions on disclosure, which I thought I’d share as it’s in line with my own thoughts. I also appreciate his reassurance that they don’t spam people:

By the way, I also read your larger blog post: I appreciated your comment about the importance of disclosure in programs, which is consistent with the Word of Mouth Marketing Association’s ethical standards. I just did an interview on a National Public Radio news show this morning about this and other related topics to word of mouth marketing. Regarding e-mail addresses of the people you invite… We don’t send their email address to Matchstick or Microsoft, etc. (you can see our privacy policy for details) so that people feel comfortable providing their honest feedback. The conversation cards can also be handed out as well, or you can send the email link from your own email program. Please let us know if there’s a way we can make this more clear.

Another feature of the ChatThreads program is a “web tag” – likely a Javascript snippet – that you can embed in posts, so that they can track visitors to sites and try to build a graph of conversations. I’ve decided to try inserting it in this post to see if it affects anything from my end. I’m not too concerned from a privacy standpoint because there are at least two other such tags on my site for statistics, and you can use NoScript or disable JavaScript to block such a tag. (I don’t link the URL here because Google might index spam referrers, but if you hit up the “webalizer” directory you can see everything I serve.)

More details on my experiences with the Zune itself are coming shortly – expect to see a first impressions review at some point this weekend!

Update: Here’s the Web tag – it’s not JavaScript like I’d assumed, but a link. This is actually a better solution for disclosure and I’m impressed that ChatThreads is this upfront with a visual representation.

Update 2: The close date of the contest is August 4, 2008, and not July 4th. More time to get your entries in!

RIM enables BIS 2.5: Hotmail/Live push, HTML email on OS 4.5

If you’re lucky enough to have a BlackBerry device running OS 4.5, BlackBerry Internet Service is now enabled for Rogers and should also be ready for most – if not all other North American carriers.

4.5 OSes are officially available for most recent GSM/EDGE devices. I’d recommend staying away from beta releases, as they contain debugging utilities and aren’t as stable as carrier-certified versions.

To find out if your device has an official upgrade available, look at the stickied threads for your device at BlackBerry Forums. These forums include the 81xx, the 83xx and the 88xx.

If you don’t have OS 4.5, you can still add Hotmail, Windows Live and AOL accounts for push email through your carrier’s BIS site.

Here’s how to activate HTML email for devices running OS 4.5:

1. Sign into your carrier’s BIS site:

2. From the site, click Service Books / Send Service Books.

3. When your device receives the service books, go into Messages / BlackBerry menu / Options and choose Email Settings. For each account, change “Enable HTML Email” to Yes.

Marketing in action: Matchstick sends out a Zune

While I may not go as in-depth as Anand might or post with the furious pace common to Gizmodo authors, I enjoy reviewing new technology purchases from a few different perspectives. As a Computer Science student, tech is interesting because it’s a practical application of concepts such as linked lists and binary trees and software architecture – and how most of those concepts get thrown out the window in order to ship on time.

From a business perspective, having firsthand experience with some of the same devices our clients use is helpful from a support angle. It also determines whether we’ll recommend them to end users. I’ve had great experiences with Asus mainboards, and every system I quote includes one – the (potentially) reduced cost of going with something else is not worth the extra aggravation it causes.

And then there’s the geek who talks about RAID-5 controllers just because they’re awesome.

Free Zune, And It’s Not A Pyramid Scam?

SmartCanucks is a regular visit from my feed reader, and they’d posted an article about qualifying for a free MP3 player. Unlike most “free stuff” contests and promotional offers online, everything from SmartCanucks will be applicable to Canadians in some form. Further intrigue ensued when commenters suggested it wasn’t the traditional $20 low-end Shuffle device, but a Microsoft Zune player.

I’d heard about the Zune launching in Canada recently and had played around with one in March for a few minutes, during at an Infusion Angels conference in the Accelerator Centre. It seemed to have a nice UI, but it’s hard to judge when you’re already being inundated with the distinctly Microsoft flavour of the building and presenter. (The XNA conference was very entertaining, for the record, and very encouraging for third party developers.)

After applying through the online survey, I received a call a few days later from Matchstick asking some followup questions. Most of them were repeated from the original survey, but I expect the representative was checking for consistency; one of the biggest problems in obtaining statistics is making sure the interviewees don’t contradict themselves. Some other questions were intended to get a baseline for my pre-existing opinions about Microsoft, and I was also asked if I’d review the product on my site or other social networking connections.

When the question period was finished, I was told that I qualified to receive an 8GB Zune package and that I’d get the option to send one to a friend or recommend another user.

Since I just received the device on the 24th, the next few weeks will be interesting as I properly put the Zune through its paces and try the wireless functionality, as well as provide some technical details on the software. To give it a fair shake, I’ll use it in real-life situations before making a judgement call. I’ll be reviewing the hardware, software and online social service in separate articles over the next month or so, giving people the chance to add their own comments.

Above is the only obligatory image of the unit. There are already dozens of “unboxing” posts online – if you’re into that sort of thing, check out these other sites:

The Marketing Effort

For now, it’s probably worthwhile to talk about how the Matchstick (and ChatThreads) process is tinged with just enough marketing effort.

Let’s get one thing straight, though: a large number of people participating in this type of marketing effort go to great lengths to whinge on a certain subject. Namely, is accepting merchandise as part of a promotion ethical? There are dozens of posts from Matchstick’s Nokia 6682 efforts to this effect, with the gamut of predictable, tired reactions ranging from “I got an awesome phone for free!” to “these spammers killed my dog.”

I’m sick of this debate. Disclosing where you got the product is a significant part of the review process, and established press organizations have done this for years. If you don’t disclose your connections, you’re an astroturfer – in other words, the same as the company behind AllIWantForXmasIsAPSP.

Furthermore, being solicited for marketing campaigns is part of maintaining a reasonably popular site. How many press releases do you think Engadget receives daily? I actively sought out this opportunity, so I can’t make the same claim – but those who can’t seem to work out the “ignore” function in their email client or respond with a polite “no” need to seriously reconsider operating a website.

For this promotion, Matchstick has partnered with a company in the States called ChatThreads. Their purpose is to collect word of mouth responses and correlate them with online activity, and they deliver a set of cards as well as seek feedback though their website. Each card has a Conversation ID that links the original campaign, authorized end user, and the collected personal information.

Before receiving the Zune, ChatThreads sent an email asking me to sign up for their site, containing some interesting requests:

As part of your participation you will be sharing your feedback and conversations about Zuneâ„¢ with ChatThreads, an independent word of mouth research company working with Matchstick.

Each time you have a conversation about Zuneâ„¢ tell us about it at The conversations you tell us about could be face-to-face, over the phone, or online.

If you’d like to see exactly what the end-user survey entails, hit up ChatThreads’ site and enter the Conversation ID 102 986 0195. You’re all my friends!

My initial reaction to the page was that I certainly did not agree to provide email addresses every time I mentioned Zune to people. Even documenting conversations wouldn’t really be a problem – but signing people up for an email message looking like this is not something I’d be thrilled to try repeatedly. At least the “Providing this information is optional.” message at the bottom is present.

Another oddity involves the terms of use adorning the ChatThreads sweepstakes. As a thanks for completing the ChatThreads survey, you can opt to have the company donate up to $5 to specific charities, or win up to $500 in Amazon gift certificates. Unfortunately, even as this entire marketing campaign is intended for Canadian residents, the sweepstakes terms restrict the potential winners to zero.

Eligibility. Open to legal residents of the United States (excluding Rhode Island, Puerto Rico and all other U.S. territories and possessions outside of the continental United States and where otherwise prohibited by law)

Conversely, ChatThreads’ past winners page indicates someone from Toronto as a previously successful winner. At the very least, this point should be updated or clarified before sending out what looks like more-expensive-than-average marketing collateral.

I’ll be forwarding this post to the Matchstick coordinators to get a definitive answer through ChatThreads, before promising contest entries to card recipients. Update July 4/08: See this post for ChatThreads’ response and the corrected sweepstakes rules.

Another interesting element in the pseudo-viral marketing strategy is the ability to recommend someone for a Zune device. The signup page for this process required a weblog URL, regular visitor count and number of friends on a social network:

These requirements really discouraged a technologically adept friend of mine. While he’s active in online social networking, he doesn’t currently host an independent blog. The solution was to have him link his Facebook profile page – the “I just got a free Zune! It’s awesome!” status messages through Facebook are perhaps even better publicity from a marketing perspective than a series of posts.

What’s Next?

I’m interested in how Matchstick continues to follow up on this effort. The welcome letter indicated that there were more email messages and additional promotion possibilities in the future. Hopefully this post gives a bit of firsthand insight into the background process.

What can other companies and future marketing campaigns learn from what Matchstick and Microsoft did?

The good:

  • Don’t set terms and conditions other than what’s needed for your target market. I never felt pressured to say anything “good” about the product, which is a better way of getting feedback than three hundred faux-positive MySpace comments.
  • Attract technology-focused individuals. They’re more likely to be the recommenders and drivers of product adoption.
  • Make it easy for people to get involved. Don’t single out people arriving from high-traffic sources: these are the people you want talking about your product.

The not-as-good:

  • Try not to spam anybody who’s already expressed a lack of interest. With a Microsoft product especially, there are serious detractors in the Google search results already and they’re not as concerned about being offered a Zune, as they are with being offered a Zune.It’s always challenging to manage email campaigns. When working for Maplesoft – I did my best to ensure the programs marketing folks didn’t blast people that had already unsubscribed. (I can’t vouch for what they’re doing now, but I hope my email utility still has a good home.)
  • Get all your terms and conditions lined up, especially when using external agencies. If people start finding inconsistencies in the fine print then they might start to wonder exactly how professionally the program is managed.
  • Don’t assume that everyone manages a weblog or website. This may have been a specific target of the campaign, but some people are just as effective when posting to Facebook or other social networks. Keep the regular user – who isn’t necessarily a content producer – in mind too!

Your thoughts will help shape the upcoming reviews. What are you interested in hearing about – the service? Integration with other utilities? Metadata tagging and support for network shares within the software? Speak your piece in the comments and I’ll get on it!

Update, July 4/08:

This post is the first in the Zune review series. I received the device for free as part of a Matchstick promotion. My goal is to provide a technically engaging and impartial review for people interested in MP3 players. Other posts include:

Contrary to reports: Rogers iPhone base plan $60/400MB data

As per Engadget, there was no way Rogers would ever release unlimited data for the iPhone. The base plan starts at $60 per month, only has 150 minutes (plus unlimited evenings and weekends) and has a 400MB data cap.

Apologies about my previously optimistic post on the subject, but the lesson here is “listen to financial reports and not random dealers posting online.”

The more interesting plan is a $20 addon mentioned, which includes:

Caller ID, Who Called, Caller Ring Trax, 10,000 Sent Text Messages and 6:00 p.m. Early Evening Calling and 2,500 Call Forwarding Minutes.

This will mark the first time Rogers will publicly make a massive text message plan available. Prior to this, all plans were capped at 2500 sent messages unless you weaseled Retentions into the unadvertised “unlimited” package.

Idiot applications return: Top Friends gets banned from Facebook

As per CNet’s post, Slide Inc, purveyor of useless Facebook fluff applications, has had a security breach and the “Top Friends” application has had its API key and listing pulled from the site. With one fell swoop, the MySpacization of Scary Stalkerbook was paused.

This is just a reminder that the developers of any Facebook application have full access to your profile. Privacy controls do not apply and any information that an app pulls is supposed to only be used for caching and removed within 24 hours. This was obviously not the case with Top Friends. By the way, if you have to provide additional profile information for a third-party application, they own that data and can use it in any way they see fit.

Of course, anyone reading this site will probably be well-informed about how applications work anyway – so you can instead gloat in glee at the fact that an overvalued startup with no useful product got slammed with the banhammer.