Writing “see ID” on your credit card is worse than useless

Over at the Consumerist, there’s a recent piece debunking a Boston Globe article on writing “See ID” or some variation of the phrase on the back of credit cards. I admire what popular consumer advocacy site has done for the average person who’s gotten screwed by a large company, but some of their posts definitely suffer from the Gawker formula. In the effort to crank out content persistently every day, editors inject significant personal bias and non-news into the stream of articles.

Unfortunately, the Consumerist takes the anti-fraud prevention stance pretty significantly. Not that I’m advocating fraud: a large number of people write in who have experienced identity theft. As a result, the editors’ viewpoints trend towards “being safe than sorry” all the way up the ladder to blatant fearmongering. The latest contribution towards the fearmongering effort (which also contributes towards the page view effort) is to talk about the advantages of writing “See ID” beside your signature on the back of a credit card.

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XKCD – “New Pet”

xkcd 413 -

After reading today’s xkcd I actually laughed out loud at work – which was surprising because the comic had been rather lame until the last frame. Gotta love Python – the language that takes everything and still manages to spit out functional programs. Too bad the lead up was weak.

Hit the link for the full comic.

xkcd – “New Pet”

New Nine Inch Nails track

The new track is called Discipline and was released straight to radio stations yesterday, this track was whipped up by Trent Reznor and tossed out in short order from what I’ve heard. Its not readily available on the net yet, so who knows how long we’ll be able to offer it!

Take a listen to the full song here:


Can’t say its the best song from NIN, but its new and its not really out there yet [hence the low quality]. Hit the link for a download.

NIN – Discipline [mp3]

Update: Added a new category for music and fixed the tags.

More powerful file management utility: FreeCommander

FreeCommander is a Windows utility similar to Midnight Commander on *nix systems. Check it out if you’re into heavy or repetitive filesystem operations.

I’ve often used ExplorerXP on Windows systems to provide a better version of Windows Explorer for file management, but I’ve recently had issues with file rename and copy operations. FreeCommander has filled this gap nicely. One of the things these utilities do best is display a “complete folder size” next to each entry, useful for finding folders that no longer contain the content you want.

Judge Jake Episode 3 online: Warren Fails It

Judge Jake episode 3 is now available, predominantly focusing on Warren’s exceptional ability to fail it on a friend’s birthday. Other topics of interest include

  • A recent business exam and how “The Sound of Music” is an inappropriate ringtone
  • How I feel about “Internet girlfriends”
  • A brief review of Simple Plan’s newest album (they still suck)

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